UV STERIL DUCT CI - http://www.koveritalia.com/

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I dispositivi UV STERIL DUCT studiati per la disinfezione dell’aria negli impianti di climatizzazione possono essere utilizzati :
negli ospedali, negli studi dentistici,negli ambulatori medici, negli ambulatori veterinari, nei laboratori di analisi, nelle industrie farmaceutiche, nelle industrie alimentari, negli allevamenti, nei locali adibiti alla produzione di cibi e bevande, nelle abitazioni, negli uffici, nelle scuole.
  • UV STERIL DUCT is applied to the ventilation ducts of the air conditioning plants.
  • UV STERIL DUCT is equipped with particular ultraviolet lamps with germicidal action which are inserted inside the aeration duct.
  • UV STERIL DUCT has mechanical filters which prevent from the formation of dust on the lamps.
  • UV STERIL DUCT is equipped with a particular electronic counter which monitors the effective lasting of the special germicidal lamps.
  • UV STERIL DUCT is complete with an electronic generator “ion source germicidal” which enriches the air of negative ions (very healthy).

In an ambient, where a canalized plant of air treatment is present, the unconvenients related to the air ionization are mostly characterized by black deposit near the air intake.
Along the ducts the air is electrically polarizated due to the attrition on the walls, it is ionized positively provoking the power transfer to the suspended particles and their precipitation.
In this way the suspended particles are electrically polarizated, they are deposited close to the air intakes and too many positive ions are diffused in the ambient.
To avoid these unconvenients the ducts must be connected on the floor, the air must be effectively filtered and enriched with positive ions before being released in the room.
The most correct and rational intervention is to install adequate filters to block the particles, amending also the ion altered equilibrium with electronic emitters of negative ions.
UV STERIL DUCT is equipped with a ion negative source which neutralizes the positive powers diffusion into the air canalization.
The sources of the internal pollution releasing pollutants in the air are the first responsibles of the problems connected to the quality of the indoor air.
The main sources are the people and their activity, the building materials together with the air treatment.
A ventilation system bad working or a wrong position of air plugs, next to polluted areas, can determine a high penetration of pollutants from outside.
The air conditioning systems can also become plant count agar for moulds and other biological contaminants spreading them in all the building.
Other possible sources of the micro-organisms shedding are the humidifiers and the air conditioning systems. In fact the high humidity level and the inadequate maintenance of these apparatus provoke the induction and the moltiplication of the micro-organisms which are then widenspread from the air distribution plant.
As a matter of fact many studies have pointed out that the umidifiers of central plants are plate count agar for bacteria thermophile/thermoresistant and tanks of bacterial endotoxins.
In the domestic humidifiers has been found also the presence of fungi mesophile.
Other contaminants sources are the dry cooling towers of the air conditioning systems together with the internal surfaces of the ventilation ducts.
Studies on the infections, originated by microbiological air contamination or ventilation systems, tell that the microbic contamination is strictly related to the low hygienic conditions of the buildings, to the overcrowds or the insufficient maintenance of the air conditioning plant.
The indoor microbiological pollution is the source of many infection diseases as flew, chickenpox, measles, pneumonitis.
Some bacteria like legionella pneumophila, some species of Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter, because of their moltiplication and shedding into the ducts of air conditioning plants, have been responsibles of some epidemic pneumonia even letal.
The pathologies arising from any specific agent present in the air, either dust and baceria, are included in a grouping called BRI “Building related illness”, diseases of the respiratory system, like asthma, flews, dry socket alveolitis, légionnaires disease.
Those pathologies have a high social repercussion for a great number of people involved who must be treated with specific medicaments with inevitable costs increase.
A particular attention must be directed to the infections raising into the hospitals where the “hospital infections” can be originated by the shedding of micro-organisms through the air conditioning system ducts.
The possibility of transmission of infections into communities as schools, kindergartner, jails, barracks, offices, let us understand how important is to investigate on the effective microbiological risk and to predispose the necessary hygienic ambient intervention to prevent any epidemic arising.
KOVER Srl inside their reserches, to individuate new and efficient prevention systems against the microbiological pollution of the indoor air, have realized an innovative apparatus for sterilizing the air in the air conditioning plant.
Strada Ronchetti 6/D
46027 San Benedetto Po (MN) Italy
Tel +39 0376 620562
e-mail: info@koveritalia.com
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